Some brain injury symptoms won’t appear immediately after a crash

On Behalf of | Jun 17, 2020 | Firm News

A person who is in a motor vehicle crash can suffer many injuries, one of which is a head injury. This type of trauma is troublesome because symptoms might not appear immediately. It’s possible that some brain injuries won’t be noticed for days or even weeks after the motor vehicle crash.

Many people assume that you will have a headache shortly after a crash if you have a brain injury; however, some injuries like hematomas might not cause this right away. A slow bleeding hematoma could be symptomless for a while until the blood forms a bump large enough to cause pain.

It’s important for anyone who’s been involved in an accident to remember that some brain injuries can occur even if you don’t hit your head. The violent motion of the head flinging about can cause the brain to slam into the skull, which can cause damage.

What are the symptoms of a head injury to watch for after a crash?

Besides a headache, there are many other signs of a brain injury that you should watch for. Anyone who has a decreased level of consciousness, such as being hard to awaken or feeling “out of it” should seek medical care right away. The same is true for those who have seizures, fluids draining from the ears or nose, or double vision.

Sometimes, brain injuries will cause a slow change in neurologic abilities. These include things like slurring of speech, loss of balance or weakness in the limbs. It may be difficult to notice these changes because they occur slowly.

It’s also possible to become more fatigued. This, along with the other symptoms, can lead to frustration. Remember, a traumatic brain injury changes the way the brain functions, so mood swings and becoming frustrated more easily can also signal that you have a head injury that requires medical attention.

Can you seek compensation for a head injury that doesn’t appear right away?

In order to hold a negligent driver accountable for the damages you suffered, you need to be able to tie the wreck to the head injury. This is likely possible even if you don’t have symptoms right away; you will still be able to seek compensation. Just remember that Colorado has a three-year statute of limitations on personal injury cases involving motor vehicles, so you’ll need to take action quickly after the crash.