Case Summaries*

Case In Point: Uninsured Driver

Amount: $226,000
Summary: A 55-year-old woman was struck by a careless and underinsured driver on a snowy day in a low-speed t-bone collision, causing pain in her neck, right shoulder, upper, mid-, and low back, and in her right hip. Our client suffered numbness and tingling in her right arm and hand after the crash although the origin of her pain was unclear at first. Our client’s own insurance company initially tried to settle her claim for less than $9,000.00. The team at VanMeveren Law Group refused to give up on our client’s claim and fought for her with her own insurance company to obtain a settlement of $226,000.00 for our client.

Case In Point: Careless Driving

Amount: $250,000
Summary: Our client, 62-year-old man, is rear ended by a careless driver and hits his head on his steering wheel in the crash. Our client sustains a concussion with lengthy post-concussive symptoms over the next two years and TMJ pain in his jaw. Although our client did not have high medical expenses, the team at VanMeveren Law Group worked with him to show the insurance company the significant effects of our client’s concussion on his quality of life, ultimately achieving a settlement of $250,000.00 for our client.

Case In Point: T-Bone Crash

Amount: $100,000
Summary: We recently settled a case in which our client suffered injuries to her shoulder and back when her car was t boned in a crash. She ultimately had to undergo surgery to relieve the nerve impingement in her shoulder. She tried to resolve the case herself, however, the responsible party’s insurance company would not deal fairly with her. She came to us on the eve of the expiration of the statute of limitations, and we were able to resolve her claim for $100,000.00 without filing a lawsuit.

Case In Point: Car Crashes Into Student on a Scooter

Amount: $49,000
Summary: A 24-year-old graduate student was riding his scooter home from campus when a driver pulled out of a parking lot in front of him, striking the student with his car. Our client sustained a right knee fracture and a sprained left shoulder, but was fortunate enough not to need surgical intervention. Despite our client’s low medical expenses, the team at VanMeveren Law Group was able to quickly present the full amount of his noneconomic damages to the at-fault insurance carrier and gain a settlement of $49,000.00 for our client, more than 10 times his medical costs.

Case In Point: Multi-Car Collision

Amount: $70,000
Summary: A 59-year-old woman is struck by an oncoming driver on a winding mountain road, causing a multi-car collision. Our client sustains a broken left collarbone resulting in several months of painful recovery. Our client was visiting from another state at the time of the crash, and she sought help from the local experts at VanMeveren Law Group. Our team was able to fully document her economic and non-economic damages for a recovery of $70,000.00, more than 10 times our client’s medical expenses.

Case In Point: Dog Attack

Amount: $250,000
Summary: Our client, a young, active recent transplant to Colorado, was working in sales for a solar panel company and making house calls. While at a customer’s home, she was attacked by a German Shepherd on the property and suffered dog bite injuries to her hands and hips. A dog lover and animal owner herself, this attack affected her deeply psychologically, as well as physically. Despite a Worker’s Compensation lien, VanMeveren Law Group secured a settlement of $275,000.00 and gave our client the ability to focus on her recovery, securing new employment and building her new life in Colorado.

Case In Point: Cyclist Rear Ended by Semi-Truck

Amount: $800,000
Summary: Our client was cycling towards Estes Park, unhelmeted, when a semi-truck approached from behind him at a high speed. The semi-truck crowded the cyclist and contacted his body, ejecting the cyclist and slamming him into the side of the roadway. Our client suffered skull fractures, brain bleeds and a fractured arm. Within 6 months we were able to negotiate and resolve the cyclist’s claim.

Case In Point: T-Bone Collision

Amount: $725,000
Summary: Our clients, a 77 and 78-year-old husband and wife were involved in a t-bone collision while turning left at a traffic light in Boulder County. Our clients sustained devastating injuries, such as broken ribs, fractured limbs and brain injuries. With no independent witnesses to the crash, the other driver’s insurance company initially denied the claim and the driver instituted litigation against our clients. VanMeveren Law Group was able to successfully resolve the claims for a total of $725,000,00 in addition to dismissal of the lawsuit.

Case In Point: High-Speed Rear-End Crash

Client: Z.C.
Amount: $225,000.00
Summary: High-speed rear-end collision on Interstate 25, Northglenn, Colorado, resulting in life-threatening injuries to the cardiovascular system. Disputed liability.

At the time of the collision, our client is a Marine and a full-time student at Colorado State University. He is seriously injured when an inattentive highway driver collides with the rear of his vehicle at an estimated speed of 65mph, leaving him with severe, life-threatening injuries, including multiple rib fractures, a collapsed lung and a ruptured aorta that requires emergent medical care. Our client’s personal coverage did not come close to covering the cost of his medical bills. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the responsible driver and multiple insurance companies, recovering significant compensation for our client. The careless driver was held responsible for our client’s medical bills, pain and suffering, and VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain substantial settlements from three different insurance carriers, as well as negotiating a complete waiver of his health insurer’s six-figure subrogation claim.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Rear-End Collision

Client: J.R.
Amount: $200,000.00
Summary: High-speed rear-end crash in Fort Collins, Colorado, resulting in cervical pain and whiplash.

Our client is injured while waiting for a car in front of her to make a left-hand turn. While she is waiting, the driver of the truck approaching behind her is inattentive and violently rear-ends her vehicle. Our client is left with injuries to her spine, including damage to a pre-existing fusion, resulting in severe neck pain, stress, anxiety and permanent impairment following the crash. Her personal auto insurance coverage did not cover her costly medical bills, pain, suffering and impairment. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the responsible driver’s insurer to obtain funds to reimburse her medical providers, as well as negotiating a $200,000.00 settlement on her behalf.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Careless Driving

Client: S.L.
Amount: $638,622.88
Summary: High-speed head-on collision in Windsor, Colorado, causing traumatic brain injury, neck fracture, femoral shaft fracture, ruptured spleen, lacerated liver and fractured elbow.

Prior to the incident, our client is healthy, happy and active. On the day of the collision, our client is driving the posted speed limit on a two-lane county road when his vehicle is suddenly hit head-on by a driver that has fallen asleep at the wheel. Our client sustains a head injury, broken neck, femoral shaft fracture, ruptured spleen, lacerated liver and fractured elbow, requiring emergent medical care and surgical repair. Additionally, due to multiple traumatic injuries, our client is unable to return to work for seven months. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able to recover $638,622.88 from the responsible party’s insurance company to cover medical costs, loss of income and overall impact on our client’s quality of life.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Dog Attack

Client: P.D.
Amount: $300,000.00
Summary: Unprovoked dog attack by two pit bulls on animal control officer in Loveland, Colorado, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder and multiple surgeries, tissue and nerve damage.

Prior to the attack, our client is a healthy, active animal control officer. On the day of the incident, our client is responding to a complaint regarding large dogs. Upon his arrival at the scene, he is brutally attacked by two unrestrained pit bulls, resulting in severe injuries requiring multiple surgeries, and leaving him with severe post-traumatic stress disorder. VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain a significant settlement that allowed our client to pay his medical bills and get his life back on track.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Premises Liability

Client: J.C.
Amount: $300,000.00
Summary: Faulty staircase at an apartment complex in Laporte, Colorado, causing a heel fracture, joint impingement and tendon split in the foot, requiring surgical repair.

Prior to the fall, our client is a healthy young man with a promising career in framing and installing sheetrock walls. On the day of the incident, the weather is sunny, clear and dry and our client is visiting a friend at his apartment. As he descends the stairs from the apartment, a stair collapses, and our client’s leg goes through the poorly maintained wooden stair. As a result, our client underwent seven months of conservative treatment, until finally discovering a foot fracture only diagnosable by MRI that eventually requires surgical repair. The surgery did not eliminate our client’s chronic pain and a lifetime orthotic brace and ongoing physical therapy are necessary. The property owner denied responsibility, but VanMeveren Law Group fought hard and was able to recover $300,000.00 for our client to cover medical costs and ease the overall impact on his quality of life.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Rear-End Collision

Client: P.W.
Amount: $700,000.00
Summary: Distracted driver rear-end collision in Greeley, Colorado, resulting in labrum tears requiring invasive corrective surgery, neck pain, numbness and spinal disc injuries.

Prior to the collision, our client is an active participant in physically rigorous workout routines, extreme sports and other physical activities. On the day of the incident, our client is violently hit from behind by the driver of a large truck, distracted by his cell phone. Our client sustains significant injuries, including a labrum tear that requires invasive corrective surgery. Additionally, our client injures several discs in his spine, extensive pain management and ongoing medical treatment. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the responsible party’s insurance company and was able to obtain $700,000.00 at court-ordered mediation.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Slip And Fall

Client: M.M.
Amount: $325,000.00
Summary: A Johnstown, Colorado, restaurant slip and fall on a wet floor resulting in a severe broken arm, requiring surgical repair.

Prior to the fall, our client enjoys paddle boarding, kayaking, snowboarding and snowmobiling. He was previously employed as a heavy equipment operator. On the date of the incident, our client slips on a wet floor of a coffee shop, with no signage warning customers of the wet floor. Our client sustains a badly broken arm requiring surgical repair, as well as permanent nerve damage, coupled with weakness, fatigue, stress, anxiety and frustration. After recovering from the injuries sustained in the fall, the nature of his injuries require that he seek employment in a different field, as he could no longer physically perform the responsibilities of a heavy equipment operator. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the establishment responsible and obtained $325,000.00 for our client to cover his medical bills and alleviate his stress so he can focus on finding work in a new field.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Head-On Collision

Client: T.B.
Amount: $343,873.86
Summary: A Windsor, Colorado, highway head-on crash with a distracted driver resulting in femur fracture, internal injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.

On the day of the collision, our client is a seat-belted passenger in a vehicle that is hit head-on by a driver that has fallen asleep at the wheel, causing their vehicle to roll twice off the roadway into a field. Our client sustains a femur fracture, internal injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the liable party’s insurance company and was able to recover a substantial amount, $343,873.86, to cover medical bills and alleviate our client’s stress following the incident. VanMeveren Law Group also successfully negotiated a complete waiver of the health insurance company’s reimbursement claim of nearly $100,000.00.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Ski Crash

Client: K.F.
Amount: $120,000.00
Summary: High-speed skiing collision at Copper Mountain Ski Resort in Colorado caused by an out-of-control snowboarder resulting in severe wrist fracture requiring surgical repair.

On the date of the incident, our client is standing at the base of a run on her skis when she is the victim of a crash caused by an out-of-control skier and snowboarder, traveling at an excessively fast speed in a clearly marked “SLOW” zone. Our client sustains two separate wrist fractures, requiring her to submit to open reduction surgery and undergo substantial recuperative treatment following the surgery. VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain a large settlement to cover the costs of medical bills and help get our client’s life back on track.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Red Light Violation

Client: S.L.
Amount: $300,000.00
Summary: T-bone collision, failure to stop at red light causing closed head injury and shoulder tear requiring surgical repair.

On the day of the incident, our client is T-boned by a negligent driver in Fort Collins, Colorado, who failed to stop at a red light. Our client’s car sustains severe damage and deemed a total loss. Immediately following the collision, our client loses consciousness and awakens to severe chest pain and difficulty breathing. Due to the collision, our client experiences ongoing pain in her chest, abdomen, a closed head injury and a tear in her labrum that requires surgical repair. VanMeveren Law Group pursues the negligent driver’s insurance company and recovers the full policy limits of $300,000.00.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Injured Parties Have The Right To Be “Made Whole”

After being severely injured in Fort Collins, Colorado, when an SUV turned in front of our client while on his bicycle he found himself in another terrifying position: he was severely injured, fracturing his wrist, collar bone and rib. He also had unpaid bills, even though the driver was found to be at fault. He was at a loss because he would have seen little or no compensation for future medical damages, pain and suffering, economic loss and other damages. We were able to obtain a substantial settlement for his bodily injuries as well as a great recovery for his damaged bicycle. If you need help with serious injury matter, do not hesitate to contact our office at 970-792-2103.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Document The Scene

Our client was riding his bike in Loveland, Colorado, when he was severely injured while directed to cross a raised concrete sidewalk near a large pit in the public roadway. The concrete had high edges that were not reasonable for someone to safely cross. Whether your injury takes place on public roadway or at someone’s home it is important to document the condition that caused the injury. Cell phone pictures at the time, or closely following, help document the owner, lease holder or public entity’s negligence before they cover up or repair the area. It is important to get witness information and pictures as soon as possible. After a long battle with the city, we were able to obtain a settlement that allowed our client to pay all of his medical bills and get his life back on track. If you need help with a serious injury matter, do not hesitate to contact our office at 970-792-2103.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: A Cyclist Collides With A Vehicle Making A Right Turn

Even the most experienced cyclist can find themselves in jeopardy when faced with an inattentive driver. My client had been riding bicycles in Fort Collins, Colorado, for decades when a driver made a right turn, directly in front of him, into a shopping center. Unable to stop in time, my client flew over the hood, suffering severe, long-term injuries. Many bicycle accidents are caused by a car turning right into the path of a cyclist. A cyclist is entitled to continue straight through an intersection without yielding to a vehicle turning right. Whether it is caused by the driver simply slowing down to turn and leaving the cyclist nowhere to go or a failure to pay attention, the driver is liable for the collision.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Future Medical Expenses

It is not always known what future medical expenses may be incurred after an auto accident. Our client was offered a small settlement after a car crash in Fort Collins, Colorado, in which he injured his neck, upper back and right shoulder. He believed he was just shaken up and would feel better after a few physical therapy sessions and chiropractic care. What he did not know is that the type of injuries he sustained could ultimately require surgical intervention and ongoing physical therapy. Fortunately, we were able to work with his medical providers to obtain supporting evidence regarding his future care needs and related expenses. As a result we were able to increase the insurance company’s initial offer by $20,199.00.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Finding The Right Attorney

When you’ve been in a serious personal injury case, you need an attorney that specializes in your type of case. For example, our client was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident in Greeley, Colorado. The vehicle approaching from the other direction made an illegal passing maneuver. It is always important to interview and choose the right attorney with the confidence, experience and willingness to take all the steps necessary to get the best outcome. Our firm has a lengthy and well-regarded reputation for specializing in motor vehicle cases. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able to obtain a settlement of over $500,000.00 on her behalf.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Driver Blames Cyclist For Accident

Our client was riding her bike in Fort Collins, Colorado, when a driver turning left failed to yield to oncoming traffic and she slammed into the side of their passenger van while crossing an intersection. The crash injured her left shoulder and resulted in surgery and extensive physical therapy. Our client was fearful to get the medical help she required because she had no health insurance and the owner of the van was trying to shift the blame to her, saying she hit him! When she came to see us, we explained that a driver making a left turn must yield to oncoming traffic and has a duty to watch the roadway. Witnesses to the accident agreed that the driver made the turn directly into her path and she had no alternative but to impact the vehicle. VanMeveren Law Group obtained a settlement of over $200,000.00 for her.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: High-Speed Car Accident

In the Fall of 2015, our client regularly exercised and spent time outdoors in Greeley, Colorado. When he was driving through an intersection on the highway at 65 mph, another driver did not stop at their stop light and pulled into our client’s lane. Our client attempted to swerve out of the way, but hit the other car, sustaining a fractured sternum and fractured ribs. He had decreased mobility, fatigue, and high levels of pain after the crash, precluding him from work and his previously active lifestyle. Fortunately, VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain payment from the responsible driver’s insurance company, allowing him to receive treatment for his injuries and cover all of his medical bills.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Low Ball Settlement

Our client was seriously injured and psychologically traumatized when she was hit by car while walking home from dinner in Fort Collins, Colorado. The insurance company told her there was no other way for her to collect enough money for her damages and offered to give her a small settlement. When she came to us, we told her that figure was low. We were able to find additional coverage that increased the final settlement offer by over $50,000.00.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Loss Of Enjoyment Of Life

In the Fall of 2015, our client was having the time of his life in Fort Collins, Colorado. He was in his senior year at Colorado State University and looking forward to being team captain for his club lacrosse team. In addition to keeping up on his studies, he was working part time to help pay for school. All those things were taken away from him when the driver of a large shuttle van struck the moped he was driving, seriously injuring him. He spent vast amounts of time in physical therapy and his moped was a total loss. As a result of the shuttle driver’s inattentiveness, it was unknown at the time he was injured whether our client would ever regain full use of his arm. In addition to recovering his medical expenses and lost wages, VanMeveren Law Group obtained compensation for his loss of enjoyment of life, past and future pain and suffering and the impact on his quality of life.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: A Life-Changing Motorcycle Crash

Our client, an active father, dedicated worker in his community and a motorcycle enthusiast, suffered catastrophic injuries after a bus driving ahead of him had engine failure and covered the road in oil. He was riding his motorcycle and rounding a curve on a narrow canyon highway in Fort Collins, Colorado, when he unexpectedly encountered the oil patch. Despite being a skilled and experienced cyclist, he was unable to maintain control of his motorcycle and slid off the road, tumbling down a forty-foot embankment. Treatment for his severe injuries was not only painful, but costly as our client had numerous doctor visits, surgery and ongoing rehabilitation. To make matters worse, he was unable to work and provide for his family. The impact of this tragic incident left him with physical impairments and significantly impacted his quality of life. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. successfully proved the bus driver and bus company were responsible and obtained a favorable settlement on his behalf, covering all of his medical expenses and lost earnings.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Drunk Driver

Prior to this unfortunate collision in Fort Collins, Colorado, our client was an active mother and the sole financial provider for her family. One afternoon, our client was driving to run an errand for her child when a drunk driver blew through a stop sign, T-boning her, and flipping her car over causing it to bounce on its roof. The driver fled the scene and proceeded to hit two more vehicles. Our client was left with multiple fractures in her spine. The crash required our client to live in a back brace and undergo hand surgery. She was in constant pain for many months. She was unable to work and as the financial provider for her home, her family’s financial future was in jeopardy. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. held the defendant liable for her injuries, allowing her to receive medical treatment, recovering funds to pay her medical expenses and ensure her family’s wellbeing.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Injured Motorcyclist

Our client was seriously injured when his motorcycle violently collided with a mini-van at the intersection of South Bannock Street and Alameda in Denver, Colorado. Unfortunately, the driver of the mini-van was inattentive and ran a red-light moments before the collision. Our client sustained severe injuries and missed time from work. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able to obtain a substantial settlement on his behalf, compensating him for his medical bills, lost earnings, pain and suffering.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Cyclist Struck By An Inattentive Driver

Our client, a competitive cyclist, was finishing a training ride in the foothills, just west of Fort Collins, Colorado. As he was riding home, on eastbound Harmony Road in the designated bike lane, a distracted driver turned left, directly in front of his bike. As a result of the driver’s inattentive decision, our client’s bike struck the side of the truck and he was thrown over his handlebars and into the side of the vehicle. The driver’s negligence led to multiple fractures, esophageal trauma and numerous health complications, requiring extended hospitalization. Our client was unable to start a new job and incurred major medical bills. Because the driver’s insurer initially denied responsibility and blamed our client, VanMeveren Law Group P.C. undertook an extensive investigation and prepared a comprehensive liability analysis. Following extended negotiations, the insurance company ultimately accepted full responsibility. As a result, VanMeveren Law Group recovered significant compensation for our client, allowing him to purchase a new bike and pay all of his medical bills. Fortunately, our client made a full recovery and returned to competitive cycling the next season.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: High-Speed Rear-End Collision

Our client was a dedicated employee with no history of injuries and illness. When a distracted driver drove into her work vehicle at approximately 50 mph in Longmont, Colorado, our client was left with severe injuries to her spine, complete disability and need for continued medical care. Her personal coverage did not cover the cost of her medical bills. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the responsible driver as well as the employer to obtain funds for her medical needs allowing her to pay all her medical bills and begin healing from her devastating crash.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Reckless Driver

Our client is an active, cheerful dog owner who enjoys taking his dog for walks in Berthoud, Colorado. One morning, our client and his dog were crossing the street in a marked crosswalk. To their surprise, a driver heading their way did not stop and drove directly into our client and his dog. Our client was propelled over the hood of the car and thrown several feet away onto his side. Miraculously, his dog was uninjured. Our client suffered blunt force trauma resulting in a fractured elbow, abrasions and chest pain. VanMeveren Law Group pursued the negligent driver and his insurance company. Justly, the careless driver was held responsible for our client’s medical bills, pain and suffering.

Case Summaries

Case In Point: Dog Bite

Our client was spending time with a friend at her apartment in Fort Collins, Colorado. When unprovoked, the friend’s dog leaped at her and bit her on her face. This bite caused partial amputation of her nose, numerous reconstructive surgeries, and permanent scarring. Despite the dog owner’s knowledge of the dangerous propensities of the dog, she, her family and their insurance company repeatedly denied any liability and tried hard to avoid all responsibility for this tragic and disfiguring attack on our client. Our client incurred substantial medical expenses and was physically and emotionally scarred as a result of this horrific event. VanMeveren Law Group fought hard and obtained a substantial settlement, allowing our client to afford her medical necessities and return to her life as it was before.

Case In Point: A Life-Changing Motorcycle Accident

Our client, who is an active father, a dedicated worker in his community, and a motorcycle enthusiast, suffered catastrophic injuries after a bus driving ahead of him had engine failure and covered the road in Estes Park, Colorado, in oil. He was riding his motorcycle when he rounded the highway and encountered the oil, slid off the road, and was hurdled down a forty-foot embankment. Treatment of these severe injuries was not only painful, but costly as our client had numerous doctor visits and ongoing rehabilitation, was unable to work, and still has severe impairments on his quality of life and daily activities. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able obtain a substantial settlement on his behalf.

Case In Point: High-Speed Rear-End Collision

Our client was a dedicated employee with no history of injuries and illness. When a distracted driver drove into her work vehicle at approximately 50 mph in Longmont, Colorado, our client was left with severe injuries to her spine, complete disability and need for continued medical care. Her personal coverage did not cover the cost of her medical bills. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. pursued the responsible driver as well as the employer to obtain funds for her medical needs allowing her to pay all her medical bills and begin healing from her devastating crash.

Case In Point: Negligent Medical Attention

Our client is brought to a hospital in Loveland, Colorado, when her husband notices her asleep and breathing abnormally. She is hospitalized and diagnosed with a blood clot in her lung. Her assisting nurse is notified that she is classified as a high risk for falls, needs supervision between transfers, and has recently undergone hip replacement surgery. During her hospitalization, the nurse gives her incorrect instructions on how to walk and is not ready to assist her, leading our client to traumatically falling, fracturing her leg and developing a severe infection. The nurse’s failure to follow standard care procedures caused our client to endure pain, illness, and the possibility of losing her leg. Justly, VanMeveren Law Group P.C. filed a lawsuit and was able to obtain a sizeable settlement to cover her sizeable medical expenses.

Case In Point: Duty To protect

Our client was an active college student in Fort Collins, Colorado, involved in campus activities, working multiple jobs, and commonly working out and interacting with friends. On her 21st birthday, she and her friends, decided to celebrate at a few local bars. Upon arrival to the last bar, the floor was slippery and partially covered in trash, including broken glass. As a business, this bar has a duty to exercise reasonable care to protect her against dangers that the employees knew of, including glass on a slippery floor. The bar had not exercised its duty to protect, causing our client to step onto a glass cup and fall forcefully to the floor. Her hand landed on a large piece of wet, broken glass, slicing a tendon in her hand, causing significant nerve damage. Due to this incident, our client had to undergo surgery, treatment, and seven months of rehabilitation. During her recovery, she was unable to perform in school, at her three jobs, or live the active lifestyle she had before this incident. To aid with her medical bills, lost wages, scarring and physical limitations, VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain a large settlement on her behalf.

Case In Point: Drunk driver

Prior to this unfortunate collision in Fort Collins, Colorado, our client was an active mother and the sole financial provider for her family. One afternoon, our client was driving to run an errand for her child when a drunk driver blew through a stop sign, T-boning her, and flipping her car over causing it to bounce on its roof. The driver fled the scene and proceeded to hit two more vehicles. Our client was left with multiple fractures in her spine. The crash required our client to live in a back brace and undergo hand surgery. She was in constant pain for many months. She was unable to work and as the financial provider for her home, her family’s financial future was in jeopardy. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. held the defendant liable for her injuries, allowing her to receive medical treatment, recovering funds to pay her medical expenses and ensure her family’s wellbeing.

Case In Point: High-Speed Car Accident

In the Fall of 2015, our client regularly exercised and spent time outdoors in Greeley, Colorado. When he was driving through an intersection on the highway at 65 mph, another driver did not stop at their stop light and pulled into our client’s lane. Our client attempted to swerve out of the way, but hit the other car, sustaining a fractured sternum and fractured ribs. He had decreased mobility, fatigue, and high levels of pain after the crash, precluding him from work and his previously active lifestyle. Fortunately, VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain payment from the responsible driver’s insurance company, allowing him to receive treatment and cover all of his medical bills.

Case In Point: Motorcyclist Struck By A Distracted Driver

Our client is an experienced motorcyclist and active husband, who recently retired and dreamed of riding his motorcycle anywhere he wanted. He was severely injured when a distracted driver pulled their car out in front of him in Greeley, Colorado. Without any time to react, our client crashed into the car. The impact with the car threw him from his motorcycle and knocked him unconscious. Our client’s quality of life and financial future were at stake. Justly, VanMeveren Law Group P.C. ensured multiple substantial settlements from three insurance policies that aided with his treatment and future medical expenses.

Case In Point: Reckless Driver

Our client is an active, cheerful dog owner who enjoys taking his dog for walks in the morning in Berthoud, Colorado. One morning, our client and his dog attempted to cross the street using a crosswalk. To their surprise, a driver headed their way did not stop and drove into my client and his dog. He was propelled over the hood of the car and thrown several feet away onto his side. His dog narrowly avoided being hit. Our client suffered blunt force trauma causing a fractured elbow, abrasions on his hands and elbow, and chest pain. Justly, the defendant was held responsible to for our client’s medical bills.

Case In Point: Cyclist Hit By Distracted Driver

Our client, an experienced cyclist, was riding in the bike lane in Fort Collins, Colorado, when a distracted driver turned left into his lane, propelling him over his handlebars and causing severe injuries. This crash resulted in severe fractures, difficulty speaking, and numerous health complications for our client. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. ensured the defendant was held responsible for their failure to adhere to traffic laws and the costly medical expenses related to treatment for his severe injuries.

Case In Point: Experienced Cyclist Struck By A Car

A recent college graduate, father, and experienced cyclist was riding his bike across a busy street in Fort Collins, Colorado, when an inattentive driver turned left into him. The impact resulted in severe injuries including fractured ribs and a traumatic brain injury. His injuries left him unable to work for months. Fortunately, VanMeveren Law Group, P.C was able to reach a settlement that helped our client pay his medical bills and receive treatment; allowing him to eventually return to work.

Case In Point: Neglectful Employees

A woman who lived at a senior care facility was being driven by a worker via bus. The worker failed to secure our client into her scooter and breached the duty of care. When the worker suddenly slammed on the breaks, our client was violently thrown out of her scooter, smashing both of her legs against the seats in front of her. Our client sustained fractures in her legs due to the driver’s negligence. Rightfully so, VanMeveren Law Group ensured the defendant was held liable for injuring our client and recovered a large settlement on her behalf.

Case In Point: Distracted Driver Strikes Car

Our client’s ability to walk normally and live a healthy life was taken away when a distracted driver swerved off the highway in Longmont, Colorado, and then quickly tried to swerve back on, crashing into the driver’s side of our client’s car. This collision not only permanently impaired her quality of life but left our client with costly bills to treat her injuries. VanMeveren Law Group held the defendant liable for our client’s injuries and recovered a substantial settlement on her behalf.

Case In Point: A Cyclist Collides With A Vehicle Making A Right Turn

Even the most experienced cyclist can find themselves in jeopardy when faced with an inattentive driver. My client had been riding bicycles in Fort Collins, Colorado, for decades when a driver made a right turn, directly in front of him, into a shopping center. Unable to stop in time, my client flew over the hood, suffering grievous, long-term injuries. Many bicycle accidents are caused by a car turning right into the path of a cyclist. A cyclist is entitled to continue straight through an intersection without yielding to a vehicle turning right. Whether it is caused by the driver simply slowing down to turn and leaving the cyclist nowhere to go or a failure to pay attention, the driver is liable for the accident. We recovered a settlement of $65,000.00 for our client.

Case In Point: Enjoyment Of life

In the Fall of 2015 my client was having the time of his life in Fort Collins, Colorado. He was in his Senior year at CSU and looking forward to the upcoming Lacrosse season, as team captain. In addition to keeping up on his studies he was working part time to help pay for school. All those things were taken away from him when the driver of a large shuttle van struck the moped he was driving, seriously injuring him. Although he did not require surgery he spent vast amounts of time in physical therapy. It is not known whether this athlete will ever gain full use of his arm again due to the inattentiveness of that driver. In addition to his medical expenses and lost wages we obtained compensation for his loss of enjoyment of life, past and future pain and suffering and impact on the quality of his life.

Case In Point: Future Medical Expenses

It is not always known what further medical expenses can incur after an auto accident. My client was offered a small settlement after a car crash in Fort Collins, Colorado, that caused pain in his neck, upper back and right shoulder. He believed he was just shaken up and would feel better soon. What he did not know, is that he had sustained an injury that may cause him to require surgical intervention, chiropractic care and physical therapy in the future. Fortunately, we were able to obtain an additional $20,199 above the insurance offer to protect his future interests.

Case In Point: Injured Parties Have The right To Be “Made Whole”

After being severely injured when an SUV turned in front of our client while on his bicycle he found himself in another terrifying position: he was severely injured, fracturing his wrist, collar bone and rib. He also had unpaid bills, even though the driver was found to be at fault. He was at a loss because he would have seen little or no compensation for future medical damages, pain and suffering, economic loss and other damages. We were able to obtain a substantial settlement for his bodily injuries as well as a great recovery for his damaged bicycle.

Case In Point: Document The scene

Our client was riding his bike in Loveland, Colorado, when he was severely injured while directed to cross a raised concrete sidewalk near a large pit in the public roadway. The concrete had high edges that were not reasonable for someone to safely cross. Whether your injury takes place on public roadway or at someone’s home it is important to document the condition that caused the injury. Cell phone pictures at the time, or closely following, help document the owner, lease holder or public entity’s negligence before they cover up or repair the area. It is important to get witness information and pictures as soon as possible. After a long battle with the city, we were able to obtain a settlement that allowed our client to pay all of his medical bills and get his life back on track.

Case In Point: Dog Bite

Our client was visiting a friend at her apartment in Fort Collins, Colorado, when, completely unprovoked, the friend’s dog bit her on her face. The bite caused a partial amputation of her nose, multiple reconstructive surgeries and permanent scarring. VanMeveren Law Group obtained a settlement of $300,000 for her.

Case In Point: Lowball Settlement

Our client was seriously injured and psychologically traumatized when she was hit by car while walking home from dinner. The insurance company offered to give her a small settlement and told her there was no other way for her to collect any other money for her damages. We told her that figure was low and we were able to find additional coverage that increased the final settlement offer by over $50,000.00.

Case In Point: Finding The Right Attorney

When you’ve been in a serious personal injury case you need an attorney that specializes in your type of case. For example, our client was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident when a vehicle approaching from the other direction made an illegal passing maneuver. It is always important to interview and choose the right attorney with the confidence, experience and willingness to take all the stops necessary to get the best outcome. Our firm has a lengthy and well-regarded reputation for specializing in motor vehicle cases. VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able to obtain a settlement of over $500,000.00 on her behalf.

Case In Point: Driver Blames Cyclist For Accident

Our client slammed into the side of a passenger van while crossing an intersection. The crash impacted her left shoulder, requiring surgery and extensive physical therapy. Our client was fearful to get the medical help she needed because she had no health insurance and the owner of the van was trying to shift the blame to her, saying she hit him! When she came to see me I explained that a driver making a left turn must yield to oncoming traffic and has a duty to watch the roadway. Witnesses to the accident agreed that the driver made the turn directly into her path and she had no alternative but to impact the vehicle. VanMeveren Law Group obtained a settlement of over $200,000.00 for her.

Case In Point: Elderly Woman Struck By Shopping Cart

Although she suffers from an auto immune disorder and is of advanced age, my client took pride in her ability to live independently and to do thing for herself like grocery shopping. One day, as she was walking from her car to the grocer in Fort Collins, Colorado, she was struck forcefully by one of the grocer’s unattended shopping carts. She required surgery and long term rehabilitative care to be able to walk again. Under the Colorado Premises Liability Act, VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain a $225,000 settlement on her behalf.

Case In Point: Low-Speed Accident Leads To Major Medical Damages

When my client came to see me he had been driving approximately 20mph when a negligent driver pulled out directly in front of him in Boulder, Colorado. Although at first, he and his passengers seemed okay, the air bag had deployed on the driver’s side which broke his nose, caused multiple fractures to his face, permanent scarring and disfigurement and partial vision loss. The other party’s insurance company offered him $5,000 to settle the case. VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain a settlement on his behalf of nearly $500,000.00.

Case In Point: Pedestrian Downplays Injuries After Being Struck By Vehicle

Our client was out for her normal morning jog when she was struck in a crosswalk by a vehicle in Fort Collins, Colorado. She was shaken up and had multiple abrasions but thought she would be okay and refused a ride to the hospital. Fortunately, after some time had passed with little improvement she sought a medical opinion. She did not know she had sustained a left knee medial collateral ligament sprain, a left knee tear of the posterior cruciate ligament, a left tibial plateau fracture, and a left femoral condyle fracture that would take months of physical therapy to heal. Justly, the defendant was held responsible for the medical bills as well as loss of enjoyment of life suffered by our client.

Case In Point: Dog Bite

Our client thought she was out for an enjoyable evening at her friend’s home for dinner in Fort Collins, Colorado. After dinner, while the friends were sitting and talking, she reached down to pet their dog. It lunged, biting her in the face. Under Colorado law, a dog owner is strictly liable for economic damages suffered by another from being bitten by a dog. We fought hard to obtain additional funds for the trauma she endured and the impact on her quality of life. Although we can never remove the permanent physical and mental scarring she underwent, VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able to obtain a substantial settlement on her behalf of $285,000.00.

Case In Point: Impact Of Quality Of Life For Airplane Training Instructor

At 70 years old, our client may have retired from his job at HP, but he led a full and active life in Loveland, Colorado, that included being a flight instructor for Beechcraft piston single and twin engine airplanes. His life was radically altered when his car was hit head-on by a negligent driver. As with all our clients, VanMeveren Law Group P.C. placed great importance on not only his loss in terms of medical bills but also the loss of enjoyment of life and was able to obtain a settlement on his behalf of $82,000.00.

Case In Point: Premises Liability At A Grocery Store Involving A Disabled Person

Our client has lived with the challenges of a chronic condition since she was a child. Fiercely independent, she has not let it slow her down but sometimes uses a wheelchair to assist her in tasks like grocery shopping. While heading into a local grocery store in Fort Collins, Colorado, her wheelchair became ensnared on an elevated tile edge causing her to pitch forward and sustain traumatic injuries. Victims with preexisting medical conditions can present problematic causation issues. Therefore, it is important to choose an attorney with experience in this area, like VanMeveren Law Group P.C. who was able to obtain $90,000.00 on her behalf.

Case In Point: Keeping Dogs Under Control

When my client retired as the Chief of Police 10 years earlier, he likely anticipated his worst risk of injury was behind him. He did not anticipate an attack that would knock him to the ground where he would sustain severe injuries. However, that was indeed the case, when a Great Dane chased him down while he was riding his bicycle in Fort Collins, Colorado, leading to severe injuries. Due to the duty to keep a dog under proper restraint and control VanMeveren Law Group was able to obtain a settlement on his behalf of $100,000.00.

Case In Point: Land Owners Owe A Duty To Exercise Reasonable Care To Maintain Their Premises In A Reasonably Safe Condition

In this case, my client was injured when an unstable and improperly secured section of large chain-link fencing, surrounding a building at CSU, fell over striking her while she was riding her bicycle in Fort Collins, Colorado. Whether visiting an individual at their residence or out in the community, individuals have a reasonable expectation that property will be maintained in a reasonably safe condition. Fortunately, she came to see us and we were able to obtain three times what the insurance company was offering to settle her case for.

Case In Point: Injured Motorcyclist

Our client was severely injured when his motorcycle violently collided with a mini-van at the intersection of South Bannock Street and Alameda in Denver, Colorado. Unfortunately, the driver of the mini-van ran a red-light moments before the collision. Our client was severely injured and VanMeveren Law Group P.C. was able to obtain a settlement on his behalf of $125,000.00.

*All cases are unique. The case results are not necessarily reflective of the outcome we will obtain in your case.