On September 17, a Colorado car accident occurred that left an Uber driver injured and a 37-year-old passenger in the Uber car dead. The collision happened in the Cheesman Park neighborhood of Denver in the early morning hours of Sept. 17.
According to reports, the Uber vehicle and another vehicle had an accident. Afterwards, the 20-year-old driver of the other car allegedly ran away from the scene of the collision. He was reportedly found and arrested a short time later “showing signs of impairment.”
The 20-year-old made his first court appearance on Sept. 18 and received at least four charges. These charges include vehicular manslaughter, leaving the scene of a fatal car accident, failure to report a motor vehicle accident to police officials and failure to comply with a traffic control device.
While the news report contains very few details about the motor vehicle accident, it does say that an investigation found the 20-year-old to be at fault for the crash. The nature of the charges may shed some light on what happened. For example, if the at fault driver failed to obey a traffic signal device, it makes sense to consider that he ran a stop light and then struck the other car.
Anytime a negligent motor vehicle accident results in serious injuries or wrongful death, survivors and injured victims must choose whether to pursue a legal remedy. While it may seem like taking legal action draws out the pain and devastation for all involved, it is important to understand that doing so may provide victims with financial compensation. This can help all victims address the many financial hardships that come with serious injuries and wrongful death.
Source: 9 News, “Man charged in hit-and-run that killed Uber passenger,” Bobbi Sheldon, Sep. 21, 2017