When you go to a stadium or sports arena, you may want to look for an escape route in case anything happens. Sometimes, stadiums are so full that people actually fill up these escape areas, sitting on ladders and railings to see the game.
Unfortunately, that’s extremely dangerous, especially if the fire escape is not made in a sturdy manner. That may be the issue that resulted in this man’s death. A man fell from the fire escape stairs at Sports Authority Field and passed away after a Denver Broncos game, according to the news, and now his family is seeking compensation from the stadium and others.
The wrongful-death lawsuit states that the fire escape didn’t have uniform railings or steps, which made it unreasonably dangerous for patrons. The 36-year-old man was sitting on a railing at around 9:45 p.m. when he lost his balance, according to the news. The man went over the side of the fire escape, falling 60 feet to the ground below.
He suffered serious injuries including head, neck, skull and torso fractures. He suffered blunt-force injuries as well. He died the following day in the hospital. It wasn’t clear why he was seated on the railing of the fire escape or if the area was open for spectators. The man’s wife and five children were left behind and are seeking compensation for his lost wages and pain and suffering.
Situations like this show how a poor design can lead to injuries. If you lose a loved one because of a dangerous area in a stadium, you, too, can file a claim.
Source: The Denver Post, “A man fell to his death at Mile High; now his family is suing the stadium district,” Kirk Mitchell, Oct. 26, 2017