One of the best times in life is when a parent gets to spend time teaching their children how to ride a bicycle. You go from teaching them how to peddle on a tricycle to finally taking off the training wheels and teaching them how to balance properly on their own. Once your child learns how to ride, you likely begin to wonder when it’s ok to let them ride on their own. Let’s explore that topic today.
This can be a very difficult decision to make as a parent. It doesn’t matter what age your child is or what type of bike they ride, letting them off on their own can be downright stressful and worrisome. The stories we hear in the news everyday are frightening. But, does that mean you shouldn’t let your child grow?
Have a conversation with your spouse. Talk to your parents, friends around you who have kids and even the child’s teacher. Find out if the child is ready to bike alone. Ask them if they are interested in venturing out on their own.
If you decide it’s time, let them start small. They can bike around the block or with friends in the neighborhood, depending on their age. As a starting point, it’s best for you to wait until the child knows how to ride a bike without training wheels, which is usually in the range of 5 to 7 years.
Give them their helmet, tell them to stay with their friends and try to follow them without them realizing it, even if you only walk halfway around the block, well behind them.
As you determine what age is best for your child to begin riding his or her bike on his or her own, you should make sure he or she is properly equipped. They should always wear their helmet and ride with traffic in Fort Collins.