The story of a Brighton, Colorado woman who survived a car crash from four years ago is helping to improve safety of motor vehicles. The story is being taken by Colorado and put to good use in an effort to make the roads of the state safer for all drivers. The story of her horrific car crash is one that a lot of drivers won’t be able to relate to but hope never happens to them.
The woman, Kristin Hopkins, does not have much memory when it comes to the six days she spent trapped in her car following the crash. She spent those six days without water and food. The vehicle was stuck on the side of Red Hill Pass, which is located off Highway 285.
Hopkins, when telling her story, said that her feet were purple and that’s pretty much all that she remembered. According to reports, a couple passing by the accident scene noticed her car down the embankment and went to the vehicle to help. They tried to smash the window, but Hopkins raised her hand to stop them so that they knew she was alive.
When Hopkins woke up days later in a hospital bed, she learned that her legs had to be amputated below the knee. Since that day she has learned how to walk and run using prosthetics.
This story is leading Colorado to test out a new underground sensor. The sensor will be installed by the Colorado Department of Transportation under Brighton Boulevard in Brighton, Colorado. If all goes well, the sensors will then be installed underground on Red Hill Pass. The sensors would be able to detect car accidents where vehicles leave the roads and automatically notify the authorities.
If the initial testing of these sensors produces positive results, their use may be expanded to areas like Denver, Boulder, and even places as far as Fort Collins.
Suffering an injury in a car accident can be devastating and life-changing, as witnessed in Hopkins’ story. You should always seek medical evaluation following a crash, even if your injuries are minor, so that you can successfully pursue a claim against the at-fault driver.