When you buy a car, what features are you looking for? For many Boulder County residents, safety is a priority.
There have been many advances in recent years in safety technology. Features like back-up cameras, OnStar roadside assistance and lane-keep warnings can all help make you and your family safer on Colorado highways. But there also is a low-tech option that could potentially keep you from getting in a wreck.
What color cars are safest?
According to a study done by researchers at Monash University’s Accident Research Centre, white cars have the highest safety ratings. They typically have 12% less likelihood of getting in a wreck than cars that are black. Other safer colors include yellow, gold, beige and cream.
Less safe colors for vehicles
Gray is second only to black as the most unsafe color with 11% increased risk for collisions, followed by:
- Silver (10%)
- Blue (7%)
- Red (7%)
Many other factors contribute to collisions
Of course, motorists cannot simply rely on the colors of their vehicles to keep them safe while driving. Maintaining the posted speed limits and lowering your speed even further during spates of inclement weather is important. Ditto for following all traffic laws and never drinking and driving.
Watch out for the other guy
All drivers should realize that they are only as safe as the person in the lane next to them. All drivers are vulnerable to the mistakes and negligence of others with whom they share the road. If another motorist is driving erratically, texting behind the wheel, drinking or smoking marijuana and then driving, they increase the risk of a collision for all other drivers, passengers and pedestrians whom they encounter.
What you need to know if you get into an auto accident
If you wind up injured in an accident caused by another at-fault driver, you should dial 911 to summon police and medical assistance. When first responders arrive on the scene of the accident, avoid saying anything or giving statements that could cause blame for the accident to be shifted onto you.
You can always seek legal guidance after your medical needs have been addressed and you are on the road to healing once again.